As the telecom industry experiences a significant shift towards digitalization, mobile operators are actively seeking new technologies and business models to generate new revenue streams, all while Google remains the dominant digital advertising platform, generating $148.95 billion in revenue solely from Google Ads, that account for more than 80% of Alphabet’s total revenue.

Two can play this Game! The challenge is not about beating Google Ads at their own game; rather, it is about delivering a comparable or better Ad campaign solution at a much lower cost and with high dependability. It will not be simple for any Ad networking firm to outperform Google Ads, but people are constantly eager to try and discover new things.

Since Mobile Network Operators own the connectivity and data — and are the front gateway to the internet, Mobile Apps, casual games, and the myriad other ways people use mobile devices, it is significantly easier for them to understand their consumers’ needs and interests, making such relationships with their consumers more meaningful, and ripe with marketing and advertising potentials. Hence, Mobile Network Operators are too able to master the “mobile Ads” game and become major players in this field.


Mobile Network Operators are one of the few industry players that can claim exclusive and close user understanding, based on their ability to process billions of daily behavioral, environmental and contextual data signals to reveal who their audience is, what they do, where they go, and what they buy. They have the capability to provide a comprehensive, and privacy-compliant view of apps a user has downloaded and how often they engage with them.

What does it take to unleash their full potential and monetize such powerful and robust insights they have freely on hand?

The key to a successful approach begins with selecting InMobiles as the correct Ad-tech partner, and Data Browsing Monetization (DBM) as the right solution.

DBM provides Mobile Operators with a complete end-to-end Ads platform that analyzes the customers’ interests by collecting and analyzing data browsing activities of the users, thus identifying, based on AI and ML engines, the targeted Ads to display for each customer.

DBM and Mobile Carriers: The Next Advertising Frontier

With OpCos being responsible for almost half of the world’s web traffic, generating 54.4% in the fourth quarter of 2021 alone, companies must take advantage of their networks to discover new possibilities and create more intelligent advertising and effective communication. Successful mobile marketing is now within reach with InMobiles’ DBM solution, created and developed for Global carriers to last despite any upcoming trend in advertising channels since it uses ‘first party” data to reliably produce the best insights and engage the right audience.

Trusted by global brands with ambitious growth goals, InMobiles’ DBM SOLUTION can help turn BILLIONS of daily events into measurable business results.

DBM is designed specifically as an ultimate way to monetize the carriers’ data traffic by displaying simple or popular Ad formats: Browser Push notifications, In-page Push, Pop-Under, and other models. Such Ads allow publishers and advertisers to take part in a sustainable online future while preserving a quality browsing experience for the users all through the Operator’s Network, generating a new revenue channel, missed for years.


Explore the immensely powerful and easy-to-use DBM Self-Serve Platform – rapid onboarding, simplified Ad creator, and real-time, in-depth reporting to monitor your success, while optimizing revenues. Plunge into this new era of monetization by visiting or scheduling a demo with our experts via